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Super8 Super Life Ionic Air Purifier

Super8 Super Life Ionic Air Purifier

  • Brand : SUPER8
  • Power consumption: 6W and Area coverage: 250 – 350sq ft.
  • Negative ions output: ≥ 1 X 106 cm³ and Activated oxygen: ≤ 0.05 ppm
  • 17 stainless steel needles and SIRIM and CE approved ionic air purifier.
  • Suitable for indoor and vehicle use.
  • Neutralizes unpleasant odours and freshens air.
  • Captures airborne particles and neutralizes viruses / microorganisms.
  • Travel-size and hassle-free with no replacement filter needed.
  • Award-winning brand

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Negative ions are colorless and odorless molecules that can be found in abundance in the mountains, waterfalls and beaches. Studies have shown that negative ions can help alleviate depression, stress, drowsiness, pain and coughs, stop itchiness, improve appetite, anti-hypertension and result iin higher alertness. Negative ions increase after a thunderstorm which is why we usually feel invigorated and refreshed. Spending or working long hours in a tightly confined air-conditioned room deprive us of negative ions, we may feel tired, depressed and irritable. A normal human needs millions of negative ions daily.

The word ozone is derived from a Greek word ozein meaning "smell". Ozone (O3) is an allotropic form of oxygen (O2) with three atoms in each molecule. The smell of freshness in the air after a thunderstorm is normally associated as a light "green grass fragrance", this is the smell resulting from the formation of ozone. When ozone is in the air encounters pollutants, the third oxygen atom separates itself form the ozone molecule and attaches itself to the contaminant, neutralizing and destroying it by oxidation. During this process, the extra atom of oxygen is destroyed, leaving only purified oxygen, and the odors and bacteria can be completely eliminated and destroyed.
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Super8 Super Life Ionic Air Purifier Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Siadari

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